And we were on the move again!
After 6 weeks in NCCU Ward in Addenbrooks Hospital Aaron was transferred to Royal Papworth Hospital. Here he is staying in the Respiratory Support and Sleep Centre (RSSC) Ward. The transfer was smooth as the hospitals are located next to each other. He was moved through a 'secret tunnel' that connects both.
The main objective is to continue and enhance the weaning of the ventilator.
The team created an intensive plan that target both respiratory and physical recovery.
On his first day, he was breathing on his own while sitting on the chair and having his voice back! He managed a total of 4 hours and 20 minutes!!!
That is followed by necessary stretches and productive physio.
Aaron is determined to get better and is working very hard!
A New Hospital is such a different environment. Aaron has now his own room and is treated like a proper royal :)
Aaron had some special visitors, everyone loves his new place and how great is he doing here. Keep the good work going!
And his mascot collection is growing!
The sound for this week ...
Great to see the progress 👏 I'm glad your being treated well sending all the positivity and care
Great to see the progress Aaron is making. Thanks for finding the time to keep everyone up to date Dom ♥️
Good to hear this news. Keep up the hard work Aaron. You are a strong person and it is showing. If I lived nearer I would come and hassle you! Bet you’re glad I don’t though! 😂
Dominika: you are doing an amazing job. It’s so hard for you. Your strength is astounding. What an amazing lady you are. Aaron is very lucky to have you.
love to you both xx
Great news! 😊